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Hanukkah Party December 2021

The Hanukkah Party on December 5th had live music, dancing and good food, but mostly it was a chance to socialize with old and new friends. We appreciate the hospitality extended to us by Bethania Lutheran Church for the use of their facility.


BIG THANKS go to co-chairs Shoshanah Schwartz and Ari Weaver, and their helpers Rabbi Debi Lewis, Janet Rogers, Jeff Winter, Susie Pierson, Ron Margolis, Lenore Fusano and Adrienne Carsman.

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the Santa Ynez Valley Jewish Community 805-693-4243 

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Proud recipient of Montecito Bank's 2022 Community Dividend

YOU make the difference! Without donations SYVJC can not provide all the SYVJC events and gatherings that provide community connection. For a tiny and intimate community like ours, every donation, small or large is a significant contribution. Thank you, for your donation.
Donations to The Santa Ynez Valley Jewish Community are deductible from Federal and State income taxes. The SYVJC is a member of URJ, the Union of Reform Judaism.
The Santa Ynez Valley Jewish Community was incorporated as a tax exempt 501c3 non-profit religious corporation.
The Santa Ynez Valley Jewish Community offers Adult Education and other Jewish activities for all in our community. If you require financial assistance to participate in any of these non-fundraising activities, we welcome you to contact our board President, Susie Pierson.
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